Peysur konur

Tenson YOKE peysa svört
Tenson YOKE peysa svört

Tenson YOKE peysa svört

Vörunúmer TEN5017645-999-1

This women's half-zip fleece will keep you warm all year round. Perfect to wear under a shell jacket on rainy days, as a warm layer on a chilly summer evening or under a winter jacket when the temperature really drops. The fleece has a zipper at the neck that not only looks great but also allows you to regulate your temperature.

Tenson YOKE peysa svört - 5.995 kr.
Tenson YOKE peysa svört - 5.995 kr.
Tenson YOKE peysa svört - 5.995 kr.
Tenson YOKE peysa svört - 5.995 kr.
Tenson YOKE peysa svört - 5.995 kr.
Verðmeð VSK
5.995 kr. Verð áður11.990 kr.
Verðán VSK 4.835 kr.

 There are two zippered pockets on the front to store your phone, keys, or wallet, as well as a discreet Tenson logo on one arm. The Yoke Half Zip fleece is a true wardrobe staple, both for everyday life and outdoor activities. It keeps you warm with a timeless design that goes with almost anything. Complete the look by wearing it with jeans or a pair of our outdoor pants, like the Himalaya Trekking Pants.

  • Elastic hem
  • Half zip at neck opening
  • Two zippered front pockets

Virðisaukaskattur er dreginn af vörum til útflutnings.
Virðisaukaskatturinn er 24% af öllum vörum nema bókum og tímaritum sem bera 11%.


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Verslun Reykjavík  |  Lyngháls 3  |  110 Reykjavík  |  Sími: 540 1125
Verslun Akureyri  |  Grímseyjargata 2  |  600 Akureyri  |  Sími: 540 1150
Verslun Borgarnesi | Digranesgata 6 | 310 Borgarnesi | Sími: 540-1154
Verslun Blönduósi |  Efstubraut 1  |  540 Blönduósi  |  Sími: 540 1155
Verslun Hvolsvelli | Ormsvöllur 5| 860 Hvolsvelli | Sími: 487 8888
Verslun Selfossi | Austurvegur 69 | 800 Selfoss | Sími: 540 1165
Skrifstofa  |  Brúarvogi 1-3  |  104 Reykjavík  |  Sími: 540 1100

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