Hanskar/sokkar karlar
TR Orri sportsokkar
Þægilegir, teygjanlegir og smart sportsokkar úr bómullarblöndu. Tvær stærðir, S/M og M/L.
VerðVerðmeð VSK2.990 kr. -
TR Frami hnésokkar
Fallegir og klassískir svartir hnésokkar úr mjúkri bómullarblöndu. Tvær stærðir: S/M og M/L.
VerðVerðmeð VSK2.990 kr. -
Top Reiter "Húsavík" Hanskar
"HÚSAVÍK" are lightweight and flexible gloves made of warming functional material on the outside and flexible synthetic leather on the inside. The gloves are lightly lined, which ensures warm hands even during the cold season.
VerðVerðmeð VSK6.490 kr. -
Top Reiter "Magic Grip" hanskar
MAGIC GRIP" are very light and thin, but also durable gloves made of synthetic leather. The area between the thumb and index finger is reinforced and thus effectively counteracts the friction caused by reins.
VerðVerðmeð VSK5.990 kr.
Skoða körfu
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