Húfur, eyrnabönd og hálskragar

Tenson "Badge" húfa
Tenson "Badge" húfa

Tenson "Badge" húfa

Vörunúmer TEN5017225-1

The Tenson Badge Beanie is a classic, knitted beanie with a wider folded brim, and can be worn in any situation for years to come. This style is a bit longer, and despite its folded brim, it covers your ears to work well both on autumn days and colder winter days. It is made from 100% acrylic, which is both warm and comfortable. The beanie features old-fashioned knitting at the top to make it fit as comfortably as possible even under your helmet

Varan er ekki til í netverslun okkar eins og er en getur verið til í öðrum verslunum eða á miðlager okkar.
Frekari upplýsingar fást hjá söluráðgjafa í síma 540-1100.
Verðmeð VSK
3.990 kr.
Verðán VSK 3.218 kr.

It is made from 100% acrylic, which is both warm and comfortable. The beanie features old-fashioned knitting at the top to make it fit as comfortably as possible even under your helmet

Virðisaukaskattur er dreginn af vörum til útflutnings.
Virðisaukaskatturinn er 24% af öllum vörum nema bókum og tímaritum sem bera 11%.


Skoða körfu Karfan er tóm

Lífland ehf.

Verslun Reykjavík  |  Lyngháls 3  |  110 Reykjavík  |  Sími: 540 1125
Verslun Akureyri  |  Grímseyjargata 2  |  600 Akureyri  |  Sími: 540 1150
Verslun Borgarnesi | Digranesgata 6 | 310 Borgarnesi | Sími: 540-1154
Verslun Blönduósi |  Efstabraut 1  |  540 Blönduósi  |  Sími: 540 1155
Verslun Hvolsvelli | Ormsvöllur 5 | 860 Hvolsvelli | Sími: 487 8888
Verslun Selfossi | Austurvegur 69 | 800 Selfoss | Sími: 540 1165
Skrifstofa  |  Brúarvogur 1-3  |  104 Reykjavík  |  Sími: 540 1100

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