Saddles & accessories

Eques Sense saddle
Eques Sense saddle

Eques Sense saddle

Reference EQUEQ10014-17

The Eques Sense saddle is a quality saddle at a good price. 

Eques Sense saddle - 399.900 kr.
Eques Sense saddle - 399.900 kr.
None available
Priceincl. VAT
399.900 kr.
Priceexcl. VAT 322.500 kr.
  • Soft seat with a narrow twist and medium support
  • Short knee pads in Soft Foam contributes to a straight posture
  • Carved panels in the front allow space for movement of the shoulder
  • D-rings
  • C-tree with a narrow twist
  • Changeable gullet – Gullet C
  • Made from high quality calf leather in a cost-conscious design

Sizes 17" and 17,5" on stock. 16", 16,5" and 18" available as special order 

The VAT will be deducted from purchases intended for direct export.
Icelandic VAT is 24% off all items except books and magazines which carry 11% VAT.


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Reykjavík Store  |  Lyngháls 3  |  110 Reykjavík  |  Phone: +354 540 1125
Akureyri Store  |  Grímseyjargata 2  |  601 Akureyri  |  Phone: +354 540 1150
Borgarnes Store | Digranesgata 6 | 310 Borgarnesi | Phone: +354 540-1154
Blönduós Store |  Efstubraut 1  |  540 Blönduósi  |  Phone: +354 540 1155
Hvolsvelli Store | Ormsvöllur 5 | 860 Hvolsvelli | Phone: +354 487 8888
Office  |  Brúarvogur 1-3  |  104 Reykjavík  |  Phone: +354 540 1100