
Easy out fljóthreinsir
Easy out fljóthreinsir

Easy out fljóthreinsir

Reference BBHTSEZO

Shapley’s Easy-Out No Rinse Shampoo, effortlessly removes stains and odors while enhancing color. 

Easy out fljóthreinsir - 6.040 kr. per STK
- 1.605 kr. per STK
None available
Priceexcl. VAT
1.605 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 1.990 kr.

Shapley’s Easy-Out No Rinse Shampoo is a must have to rid your horse’s coat, mane and tail of stains and dirt or dust without having to get the horse wet. It is an excellent product for last minute clean ups or when it is too cold outside or not enough time to bathe the horse. Easy-Out removes the toughest stains from manure, urine, grass, sweat and mud. It also has a special odor eliminator that removes odors effortlessly, making it a wonderful product for pets too.

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