
Roeckl Lisboa
Roeckl Lisboa

Roeckl Lisboa

Reference RKL301308-999-8

The LISBOA is the peak of elegance. This distinctive riding glove embodies the perfect symbiosis of function and fashion

Priceincl. VAT
9.990 kr.
Priceexcl. VAT 8.057 kr.

The backhand is embellished with a real eyecatcher: the ROECKL hand logo composed of sparkling Swarovski Crystals! Brand-new: the color combination white with silver-colored crystals. Made from ROECK-GRIP, ROECKL’s exclusive synthetic suede material, this fine glove is not only highly breathable, but also wonderfully supple, so that it feels like a second skin. This gives female equestrians the ideal grip and tactility they need when handling the reins. Convenient: the reinforcements at the areas that come into contact with the reins. Yet this model has more to offer than just superior wear comfort: of course it is also machine-washable at 30° Celsius (86° Fahrenheit). Furthermore, the 3301-308 is TOUCHSCREEN COMPATIBLE, allowing you to use your smartphone without having to take off your gloves.

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