
Casco - Mistrall
Casco - Mistrall

Casco - Mistrall

Reference CAS4012-L

Our most popular Casco helmet.

- 26.990 kr. per STK
Casco Mistrall - 26.990 kr. per STK
- 26.990 kr. per STK
None available
Priceincl. VAT
26.990 kr.
Priceexcl. VAT 21.766 kr.
  • Latest technical stand of development
  • Fully loaded incl. the patented, handy "cord strapping"
  • Superb fit
  • Efficient "Fresh Air" ventilation
  • A great value!
  • Weight 450-500g
  • Sizes: S = 52 - 56 cm / M = 55 - 59 cm / L = 58 - 63 cm

With the patented "cord strapping" you are able to set up a basic adjustment in just a few seconds. After that, the daily use is stunningly easy: Just helmet up and tighten the chord - ready!

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Reykjavík Store  |  Lyngháls 3  |  110 Reykjavík  |  Phone: +354 540 1125
Akureyri Store  |  Grímseyjargata 2  |  601 Akureyri  |  Phone: +354 540 1150
Borgarnes Store | Digranesgata 6 | 310 Borgarnesi | Phone: +354 540-1154
Blönduós Store |  Efstubraut 1  |  540 Blönduósi  |  Phone: +354 540 1155
Hvolsvelli Store | Ormsvöllur 5 | 860 Hvolsvelli | Phone: +354 487 8888
Office  |  Brúarvogur 1-3  |  104 Reykjavík  |  Phone: +354 540 1100