Saddles & accessories

Denni Design saddle pad cotton
Denni Design saddle pad cotton

Denni Design saddle pad cotton

Reference DEN0019

A quality saddle pad from Denni Bergmann, Denni Design. 

None available
Priceexcl. VAT
12.895 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 15.990 kr.

Color of fabric: Black.
Cord color: Graphite.
Logo color: Stone Gray.

On one side we have the Denni Designs logo. On the other side, you can embroider your own logo or simply leave it blank. 

The pad fits most Icelandic horse and dressage saddles.

The well-known German company Mattes produces all saddle pads for Denni Design. 

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The VAT will be deducted from purchases intended for direct export.
Icelandic VAT is 24% off all items except books and magazines which carry 11% VAT.


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