
Tölum um hesta
Tölum um hesta

Tölum um hesta

Reference NH52

This beautiful book discusses horses from various angles. 

Priceexcl. VAT
5.401 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 5.995 kr.

Master trainer, riding instructor, and horse farmer, Benedikt Líndal and his wife Sigríður Ævarsdóttir homeopath for people and horses, folk artist and earth mother, write from the heart about their experiences and lives with horses. 

Tales of memorable horses and related events. Benni and Sigga intertwine education, stories, poems, and the latest discoveries regarding horses. 

This substantial and beautiful 256 page illustrated book is a must for everyone interested in horses. 

Available in Icelandic, English and German. 

Skildar vörur

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