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Albert Kerbl - Memory Foam
Albert Kerbl - Memory Foam

Albert Kerbl - Memory Foam

Reference AK80326

Memory Foam Mattress

Albert Kerbl - Memory Foam - 8.460 kr.
- 11.685 kr.
- 14.508 kr.
Priceexcl. VAT
8.460 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 10.490 kr.

• 100% thermo-elastic memory foam shapes itself perfectly to the occupant's lying position
• ideal for dogs of all kinds and sizes
• relieves the spine and joints
• has a pressure-relieving effect and provides maximum comfort
• bed surface made of soft plush (100 % polyester)
• border made from suede fabric (100 % polyester)
• cover washable at 30 °C

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