
PAVO Nature’s Best
PAVO Nature’s Best

PAVO Nature’s Best

Reference BTR10066

Pavo Nature's Best the daily healdthy muesli 

Priceexcl. VAT
4.831 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 5.990 kr.

Too much sugar and starch is not healthy for horses which are not exercised intensively or which are sensitive to laminitis, for example. That is why Pavo Nature’s Best has been renewed. With less cereals and extra timothy grass. This healthy muesli still contains a very low sugar content (2%), an evidently lower starch content (16%) and more fibres.

Timothy grass is a new component. This tasty grass species has a low fructans content and provides protein and healthy fibres. In addition, this muesli contains spelt, alfalfa, soy flakes, and extruded linseed for a shiny coat. Furthermore, the vitamins, minerals and trace elements have been adjusted according to the latest insights and based on the average nutritional values in the present roughage.

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Icelandic VAT is 24% off all items except books and magazines which carry 11% VAT.


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