
Uvex Exxential II LED
Uvex Exxential II LED

Uvex Exxential II LED

Reference UVS4334270405
Uvex Exxential II LED - 20.881 kr.
Uvex Exxential II LED - S/M - 20.881 kr.
Uvex Exxential II LED - M/L - 29.831 kr.
Uvex Exxential II LED - L/XL - 20.881 kr.
Priceexcl. VAT
20.881 kr. Price before29.831 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 25.893 kr.

The VAT will be deducted from purchases intended for direct export.
Icelandic VAT is 24% off all items except books and magazines which carry 11% VAT.


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