
Stassek - Equifix Saddle Soap
Stassek - Equifix Saddle Soap

Stassek - Equifix Saddle Soap

Reference HA510008

- For smooth, rough and nubuck leather
- Cleans even heavily soiled leather
- Restores a wonderful suppleness to leather

Priceexcl. VAT
2.411 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 2.990 kr.

Equifix Saddle Soap is smooth and very effective for the pore-deep cleaning of dirty leather. The mild and gentle cleaning is based on purely biological ingredients. Thanks to the deep cleaning action the leather is wonderfully soft and supple immediately after cleaning – but without making it go baggy. Equifix Saddle Soap can be used for all your leather tack. Even new riding boots get smooth quickly and can be worn in without getting aching feet.
A 400-ml screw-top box with applicator sponge.

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Icelandic VAT is 24% off all items except books and magazines which carry 11% VAT.


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