
Stassek - Equifix Triplex
Stassek - Equifix Triplex

Stassek - Equifix Triplex

Reference HA540008

Triplex Leather Care
Grease- and oil-free
- For smooth, rough and nubuck leather

Priceexcl. VAT
2.815 kr.
Priceincl. VAT 3.490 kr.

From now on it is a pleasure to clean riding boots, shoes, tack and even leather clothes or furniture. Forget about ugly snow stains on your shoes as well as about stains on your leather furniture or your favourite leather jacket. You can also forget about the laborious polishing off of excess grease and oil after cleaning the saddle seat or the seat of your leather sofa, your leather car seats, your motorbike saddle or armchair.

Combining several leather care products in one, Equifix Triplex Leather Care has the following main properties: It removes sweat, dirt and salt crystals from the leather. It penetrates deeply into the capillary structure of the leather, but without blocking the pores. And above all: It doesn’t contain any grease or oil!

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