
Hófí learns of heroes
Hófí learns of heroes

Hófí learns of heroes

Vörunúmer DSYN247698

A beautiful children's book in the book series about the Icelandic Sheepdog puppy Hófí. The book is available in Icelandic and English.

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2.990 kr.
Verðán VSK 2.694 kr.

While spending days with her own hero, Hófí discovers there are heroes everywhere. Whether we know it or not, there's a little bit of a hero in each and every one of us. 

The adventures of Hófí are inspired by the Icelandic sheepdog Hólmfríður frá Kolsholti (1988 - 2003). The author of the book series is Monika Dagný Karlsdóttir, the owner of Hófí. The books are beautifully illustrated by the artist Martine Versluijs.

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Verslun Reykjavík  |  Lyngháls 3  |  110 Reykjavík  |  Sími: 540 1125
Verslun Akureyri  |  Grímseyjargata 2  |  600 Akureyri  |  Sími: 540 1150
Verslun Borgarnesi | Digranesgata 6 | 310 Borgarnesi | Sími: 540-1154
Verslun Blönduósi |  Efstubraut 1  |  540 Blönduósi  |  Sími: 540 1155
Verslun Hvolsvelli | Ormsvöllur 5| 860 Hvolsvelli | Sími: 487 8888
Skrifstofa  |  Brúarvogi 1-3  |  104 Reykjavík  |  Sími: 540 1100